The Singapore International Foundation (SIF) is a not-for-profit organisation established on
1 August 1991.

Our aim is to strengthen mutual understanding, ties and trust between global communities. All our programmes seek to bring Singaporeans and our friends from overseas communities together, to connect and collaborate for positive change. 

We believe that when people from different parts of the world work together, they gain insights that bridge cultural divides and the sharing of ideas, skills and experiences inspires actions and enables collaborations for good. We do this because we believe we all can, and should, do our part to build a better world – one we envision as peaceful, inclusive and offers opportunities for all.


Our Vision

Making friends for a better world.


Our Mission

Through shared ideas, skills, and experiences, we uplift lives and create greater understanding between Singaporeans and world communities.

Our Impact

Our work has made a positive difference to more than



We have worked in



Our work is powered by over


Volunteers from Singapore

In partnership with over



And a network of over


Friends from around the world

Our Focus Areas

Our Focus Areas Education


Empowering communities through education.
Our Focus Areas Healthcare


Sharing medical expertise to raise standards of healthcare services.
Our Focus Areas Arts and Culture

Arts & Culture

Harnessing the power of arts and culture to create positive social change.
Our Focus Areas Business and Livelihood

Business & Livelihood

Enabling livelihoods through economic empowerment.


Here’s How You Can Get Involved

  • DigiLABS Spotlight
    Volunteer Online

    Specialist Project - DigiLABS

    Upskill youths and working professionals for the digital economy and equip them to create digital solutions for social outcomes.
  • Donate Give a Gift

    Give a Gift

    Let us know how you wish to contribute.
  • Arts for Good Projects
    Join a Programme

    Arts for Good Projects

    Tell us your artistic idea for social change.
  • SINGAPORE Magazine

    SINGAPORE Magazine

    Uncover the heart and soul of Singapore and its people.
  • Volunteers pulling out trash
    Volunteer Online

    Specialist Project - Climate Hack

    Equip individuals with digital skills to innovate and develop digital solutions for climate action.
  • Specialist Volunteer Programmes in Education
    Volunteer Overseas

    Specialist Project - Education

    Equip teachers overseas to deliver better learning outcomes for their students.
  • Specialist Volunteer Programmes in Healthcare
    Volunteer Overseas

    Specialist Project - Healthcare

    Upskill healthcare professionals overseas to strengthen healthcare systems for all.

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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead
Cultural Anthropologist